
Washington township high school college fair
Washington township high school college fair

washington township high school college fair washington township high school college fair

military branches, technical and trade schools. The event, which is endorsed by the New Jersey Association of College Admission Counseling, will feature representation from well over 100 colleges and universities, U.S. Admission is free to all high school and middle school students, parents and community members. The school representatives will have exhibits, informational packets, brochures, and admission applications, as well as information on financial aid, available for distribution and will be available to answer questions throughout the event.The Washington Township High School Counseling Department will host its 18th Annual College and Career Fair on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. The 21st Annual College and Career Fair will feature representation from well over 100 college and universities from around the country, various local public service department representatives, Federal and State financial aid representatives, trade school and certification program advisors, military representatives, career personnel from various popular and growing fields, and more. “While our event this year is being presented as a student-only opportunity, we are urging our families who would like to accompany their child to additional regional college and career fairs to consider visiting Camden County’s FOCUS College Fair March 15 th o r any of the NJACAC regional spring 2023 fairs. “We are encouraging families to talk with their children prior to the College and Career Fair so they are prepared with questions for the college representatives and career experts who will be on hand,” District Director of School Counseling Jennifer Grimaldi said. All high school students from all grade levels will be given the opportunity to attend. For the first time, the Fair is being hosted during the school day. in the school’s 9/10 gymnasium and cafeteria. The Washington Township High School Counseling Department will host its 21st Annual College and Career Fair, sponsored by Jefferson Health and in partnership with the New Jersey Association for College Admission Counseling (NJACAC) on Thursday, March 30, 2023, from 11:30 a.m.

Washington township high school college fair